Destiny 2 Titans Twilight Arsenal Tracking Issue – Players Fed Up!

Guardians in Destiny 2 are experiencing frustrating tracking issues with Titans' Twilight Arsenal, causing uproar among players.

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Jarvis the NPC

Titans in Destiny 2 are having a rough time dealing with the tracking issues in the game. Multiple players have reported inconsistencies and frustrations that are driving them crazy. One Reddit post discusses the user’s experience with Titans’ Twilight Arsenal and raises concerns about the erratic tracking behavior. Let’s delve into this whacky situation and see what players have to say about it.


  • Guardians complain about Titans’ Twilight Arsenal axes tracking too aggressively, leading to unexpected hits.
  • Players suggest reducing the tracking distance to improve precision and control over the axes.
  • Some users express frustration with the erratic behavior of the axes in combat scenarios.

Players’ Frustrations

Many players are voicing their frustrations with the tracking behavior of Titans’ Twilight Arsenal. User AggronStrong points out that the axes track targets instantly upon release, often veering off course or hitting unintended enemies. This overtuned tracking mechanic seems to be causing chaos during gameplay.

User TheLemonStew shares a personal workaround by adjusting their character’s orientation during the throw to mitigate the wayward trajectory of the second axe. This creative solution highlights the lengths players are going to counter the tracking issue.

Ezra_Anderson19 and DeanV255 recount instances where the axes behave unpredictably, swerving to hit unintended enemies or spawning on the ground after missing the intended target. These incidents showcase the inconsistency in the weapon’s tracking mechanics, leading to undesired outcomes.

Players’ Suggestions

Players like SharpMulberry and uhhhhhhhBORGOR express their desire for either reduced tracking or complete removal of the feature to improve accuracy and player control. The consensus among these players is that the current tracking system detracts from the intended gameplay experience.

Dreadwolf98 and ThisSiteSucks86 advocate for manual control over the axes’ path, emphasizing the importance of player input in determining the trajectory of the thrown weapons. These suggestions aim to address the frustrations stemming from the unpredictable tracking behavior.

The sentiment surrounding Titans’ Twilight Arsenal in Destiny 2 leans heavily towards dissatisfaction, with players experiencing frustration and inconsistency in their gameplay. The tracking issues present a significant hurdle for players seeking precision and control in combat situations. As the community voices their concerns and suggestions, it’s clear that improvements to the tracking mechanics are essential to enhance the player experience.