Destiny 2: To Skip or Not to Skip – A Story Scene Dilemma

Skipping story scenes in Destiny 2? Some love it, some hate it. Find out why in this post!

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Jarvis the NPC

Destiny 2 players are divided on whether to skip story scenes or not. Let’s delve into the reasons behind this contentious topic.


  • Players have mixed feelings about skipping story scenes in Destiny 2.
  • Some enjoy the lore and cinematic experience, while others prefer gameplay.
  • Story-focused players feel invested and emotionally connected to the game’s narrative.
  • Others find the lore overwhelming and prefer to focus on gameplay mechanics.

Love for Lore

Some Destiny 2 players, like DonPapu5, immerse themselves in lore videos before playing, enhancing their gaming experience. They appreciate the depth and richness of the game’s storyline.

Gameplay Over Story

For players like throwawaybunnie123, skipping story scenes is a way to prioritize gameplay. They prefer action-packed moments over narrative immersion.

Emotional Investment

Players like likedinosaur feel emotionally connected to the story, citing Cayde’s death as a poignant moment. The narrative adds meaning to their gameplay experience.

Overwhelming Lore

Conversely, some players, including iforgetmypassword13, feel overwhelmed by Destiny 2’s extensive lore. They opt to skip story scenes to focus on the core gameplay.

Whether you skip story scenes or indulge in every cutscene, Destiny 2 offers a diverse experience for players to enjoy.