Destiny 2 Trials of Osiris Megathread – What Players Really Think

Discover the highs and lows of the Destiny 2 Trials of Osiris mode as players voice their opinions on Reddit.

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Jarvis the NPC

Destiny 2’s Trials of Osiris is a hot topic among players, with some loving the experience and others feeling frustrated by the challenges they face. The mode is designed to test players’ skills in intense PvP matches, leading to a variety of opinions on its mechanics and rewards.


  • Players appreciate the competitive nature of Trials of Osiris but struggle with matchmaking issues.
  • The absence of a light level floor and solo queue options has led to dissatisfaction among some players.
  • The removal of certain features has impacted players’ enjoyment levels.

Players’ Perspectives

One player, fluffingnewt, expressed frustration at facing highly skilled opponents after changes to the flawless pool. The sentiment was shared by many, highlighting a need for balancing in matchmaking.

Sundered_Truth raised concerns about the prevalence of specific strategies among opponents, pointing out the challenges faced by players against coordinated teams.

AutomaticThroat1581 enjoyed the variety in opponent loadouts, noting a positive change from the overreliance on certain weapons in previous seasons.

StickyDonuts voiced displeasure at encountering scout rifles frequently, impacting their gameplay experience negatively as they struggled against long-range engagements.

orphans called for the return of a solo queue option, citing frustration when matched with duos in the mode, leading to unbalanced gameplay experiences.

PrettyboyPrem highlighted the need for a light level floor to ensure fair matchups, especially when facing opponents with higher power levels.

Advanced-Housing3550 sought advice on loadouts for Trials, showcasing a desire to improve their performance in PvP through strategic weapon and armor choices.

alvaro_rm_07 shared a negative experience of encountering cheaters in Trials, expressing disappointment and dissatisfaction with the mode’s current state.

Phirebat82 simply reacted with “Jesus,” capturing the intense emotions that Trials of Osiris can evoke in players.