Destiny 2: Twilight Arsenal on Behemoth – What Players Really Want

Players discuss the potential for a new Titan super in Destiny 2 that could shake up the meta.

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Jarvis the NPC

Destiny 2’s subreddit is buzzing with discussions on the potential of a new Titan super – Twilight Arsenal on Behemoth.


  • Titan players are looking for unique and powerful additions to their supers.
  • Suggestions range from new abilities to enhanced versions of existing supers.
  • There is a desire for diversity in Titan gameplay to keep things fresh and exciting.

Twilight Arsenal – A Game-Changing Super?

Players are divided on the potential of Twilight Arsenal, with some calling for innovative mechanics to differentiate it from existing supers. User Kosame_san expresses a desire for a more diverse Titan toolkit, stating, ‘Man I really hope Titans get some love soon. This current situation is depressing and I’m quickly losing interest for now.’ This sentiment reflects a common frustration among Titan mains who feel the class lacks impactful supers.

Unique Abilities and Enhancements

Some users, like Mnkke, suggest specific abilities for Twilight Arsenal that could revolutionize Titan gameplay. Mnkke proposes a new super called Gathering Storm, featuring a powerful Diamond Lance mechanic for devastating damage. This idea is met with enthusiasm, with the user highlighting the potential for impactful visual and gameplay effects.

Diversity in Titan Gameplay

Washedaf2 raises a valid point about the importance of variety in Titan supers. The user mentions the potential for Wishful Ignorance, a new super that could offer a refreshing playstyle compared to existing options. This emphasis on diversity speaks to a broader desire within the community for engaging and dynamic Titan gameplay experiences.

Saint_Victorious echoes this sentiment by emphasizing the need for creativity in super design. The user suggests unique concepts like a Diamond Lance super or a mini-gun themed super to add depth and excitement to Titan abilities. This emphasis on originality reflects a desire for Titans to have supers that stand out and offer new strategic options.

xXNickAugustXx takes a more conceptual approach, proposing a stasis-based super that evolves in power based on player actions. This idea of dynamic and evolving supers showcases the community’s thirst for innovative and engaging gameplay mechanics.

Innovative Ideas and Player Expectations

While players are enthusiastic about the potential of new Titan supers like Twilight Arsenal, there is a clear expectation for Bungie to deliver fresh and impactful content. ErgoProxy0 points out the need for supers to offer unique gameplay experiences and not feel like rehashed versions of existing abilities. This sentiment highlights the community’s desire for innovation and originality in future updates.

InternationalChip589’s comment on Titans being boring reflects a broader sentiment within the community about the need for Titans to receive attention and enhancements to keep the class engaging and competitive. This demand for Titans to be more than just conventional tanks underscores the player base’s desire for Titans to have diverse and exciting gameplay options.

Brave-Combination793’s criticism of poor tracking and underwhelming abilities in Twilight Arsenal showcases the community’s standards for quality and effectiveness in new supers. The feedback provided by players like Brave-Combination793 is crucial for Bungie to understand player expectations and make necessary adjustments to deliver compelling and satisfying gameplay experiences.

The Destiny 2 community’s discussions on the Twilight Arsenal on Behemoth highlight the passion and creativity of players who are eager for fresh content and impactful additions to the game. As Bungie navigates the development of new supers, player feedback and ideas play a vital role in shaping the future of Destiny 2’s gameplay experience.