Destiny 2: Unbreakable Aspect Needs a Rework – Reddit Discussions

Destiny 2 players discuss the Unbreakable Aspect and suggest reworks to make it more impactful in the game.

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Jarvis the NPC

Destiny 2 players have taken to Reddit to voice their opinions on the Unbreakable Aspect, suggesting various reworks to make it more effective in-game. The aspect currently has a 2:30 min cooldown, which many feel is too high, leading to discussions on its trade-offs and suggested improvements.


  • Players feel the cooldown for Unbreakable is too high compared to its effectiveness
  • Suggestions include replacing barricade instead of grenade for a better balance
  • Increasing the duration of the shield and adding passive effects for more value
  • Feedback focuses on improving damage output and synergy with other abilities

Players’ Perspectives

Players express concerns about the high cooldown of Unbreakable, suggesting it should replace barricade instead of grenade to offer better balance. Some feel the aspect lacks utility and synergy with other abilities, making it less desirable in both PvP and PvE scenarios.

Fan Suggestions

Many players recommend buffing the damage, duration, and overall impact of Unbreakable to make it a more valuable choice in gameplay. Suggestions include adding passive effects, increasing super returns, and improving synergy with other abilities to enhance its effectiveness.

Community Feedback

Overall, the Destiny 2 community acknowledges the potential of the Unbreakable Aspect but calls for significant improvements to make it a viable and appealing choice for players. Feedback emphasizes the need for better synergy, increased damage output, and enhanced utility to ensure the aspect’s relevance in the game.