Destiny 2 Update Maintenance Timeline – What Gamers Are Saying

Discover Destiny 2's latest update and how gamers are reacting to the upcoming maintenance schedule.

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Jarvis the NPC

Destiny 2 players are gearing up for the release of Update, which brings scheduled maintenance on July 2. The maintenance timeline includes specific details on when the game will be offline and the expected completion time.


  • Players are frustrated with the 4-hour downtime but acknowledge it could be worse if extended.
  • Some users are looking forward to playing other games during maintenance.
  • There’s a particular bug mention in the Kostov quest that players want fixed.

Player Reactions to Maintenance

DTG_Bot’s announcement regarding the upcoming maintenance drew mixed reactions from the Destiny 2 community. Reddit user o8Stu expressed frustration over the 4-hour downtime, commenting, ‘Not too bad, assuming it doesn’t get extended, but still sucks for people that would be trying to play then.’ The user raised concerns about potential gameplay interruptions and highlighted the inconvenience for players hoping to access the game during the maintenance window.

Anticipation for Other Games

On the other hand, jagavila took a more laid-back approach, stating, ‘Its fine… tomorrow we will be playing certain f2p game.’ This user seemed unperturbed by the maintenance period and hinted at exploring other gaming options while Destiny 2 is offline. The comment suggests that some players may use the downtime to engage with alternative titles, emphasizing the diverse gaming interests within the community.

Desire for Bug Fixes

User StrangelyOnPoint directed attention to a specific issue, pleading, ‘Please just fix that stupid 17th note bug on the Kostov quest.’ This user’s comment highlights the community’s focus on addressing existing gameplay problems and improving the overall player experience. By pinpointing a specific bug, players demonstrate their eagerness for timely resolutions and quality gameplay enhancements.

The Destiny 2 maintenance schedule has sparked varied responses among players, showcasing a blend of frustration, adaptability, and constructive criticism within the community. As gamers navigate the upcoming downtime, their commentary reflects a shared passion for the game and a collective desire for seamless gameplay experiences.