Destiny 2 ViDoc: Becoming Legend – Part 1 Revealed

Discover what Reddit users think about the upcoming Destiny 2 ViDoc. Do they believe it's the leap the game needs or just more of the same?

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Jarvis the NPC

Destiny 2 fans are buzzing with excitement over the new ViDoc that just dropped. The ViDoc shows off some intriguing new aspects of the game, leaving players eager for more.


  • Players are impressed with the environmental designs and sound work in the ViDoc.
  • Keith David’s portrayal of Zavala received high praise, with fans noting the emotional impact of his performance.
  • The community is excited about the story implications and character development teased in the ViDoc.

Impressive Environments

Many users expressed their awe at the visually stunning environments showcased in the ViDoc. The Pale Heart area, in particular, garnered praise for its design and atmosphere.

Keith David’s Stellar Performance

Fans were touched by Keith David’s portrayal of Zavala, with some getting emotional over his performance. Many agreed that he is a fitting successor to the character.

Exciting Story Teases

Comments highlighted the intriguing story elements hinted at in the ViDoc, such as character arcs and the mystery surrounding the Witness. Players are eager to see how these plot points unfold in the game.

Overall, the Destiny 2 community is hyped for what’s to come based on this ViDoc. The potential for deep storytelling and immersive environments has players eagerly anticipating the next chapter in the game.