Destiny 2: Why Bunching Up Could Be Your Downfall in PvP

Discover why bunching up in Destiny 2's PvP may not be the best strategy according to the Reddit community.

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Jarvis the NPC

Have you ever felt the wrath of a team that’s bunched up in Destiny 2 PvP? The Reddit community seems to have some strong opinions on this tactic.


  • Bunching up in Destiny 2 PvP can lead to disaster, as spreading out can help control the map better.
  • Some users advocate for solo engagements to catch opponents off guard.
  • Others question why players disregard objective points like B in matches.

The Essence of Spreading Out

Individual players running in different directions avoid being easy targets for enemy teams lurking around corners or choke points. By spreading out, players can control the map more effectively, dictating engagement distances and keeping opponents on their toes.

The Art of Solo Engagements

Engaging opponents on your own can catch them off guard, potentially disrupting their team strategy. By solo engaging, players may create opportunities for their team to push forward or flank the enemy effectively, turning the tide of battle.

The Curious Case of Objective Points

Despite the importance of capturing objective points in matches, some players seem to prioritize eliminations over securing points like B. This can lead to missed opportunities for team points and potentially cost matches in the long run. The debate between slaying and objective play continues among the Destiny 2 community.

All six people run in six different directions. Never cap points – waste of time – someone else can do it. If you can, try to solo engage as many opposing players as possible. Always stay in the middle of the map. Most importantly, always charge. – mayormcskeeze

SBMM in effect lmao – russell_b_11

Why you didn’t cap B? – CherryAtYourRequest

DONT👏 BUNCH 👏 UP – ThirdTimesTheTitan

How did you get your second melee snap to trigger so close to the enemy, my character would have just punched. – ShadowDrake359

ah yes the ‘gun based’ pvp we’ve been promised for years – KING2BIG

Are you playing against bots? If they’d actually shot you, you never would’ve got half of that off. You floated in the air in front of them for way longer than ttk even for one person. With the three of them they should’ve obliterated you. Not sure this is the flex or strategy guide you think it is. Edit: Sorry, thought this was r/CrucibleGuidebook. Didn’t mean to critique a casual post. – squishy__squids

Ignore OP, *KEEP* grouping up… – Jttwofive_

Yesterday I got 3 people with conditional finality. Had two shots. Froze one. Ignition killed the other two after the shatter damage. Was wild – Trijilol

Clearly SBMM is working for someone – TechnoTrulyFuture