Destiny 2: Why Did I Get the Original Warden’s Law? Nightfall Confusion!

Find out why Destiny 2 players are puzzled by obtaining the original Warden’s Law in this week's nightfall.

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Jarvis the NPC

In the world of Destiny 2, surprises are as common as Guardians wielding exotic weapons. SuperbYeti, a brave Guardian, found themselves questioning the laws of nightfall loot this week.


  • Old strikes still drop specific loot, albeit rarely.
  • Nightfall loot can include sunset weapons due to changes in the game.
  • Some Guardians embrace the OG weapons, while others miss the shadow price era.

Guardian Confusion

SuperbYeti’s post sparked a conversation among fellow Guardians, with speculation rife about the resurgence of sunset weapons. Some Guardians, like AmazingCman, highlighted Bungie’s decision to undo sunsetting for the OG gear, leading to unexpected drops like the original Warden’s Law. This change stirred mixed emotions, as seen in Mcx1979’s comparison to the shadow price, showing a divide in players’ preferences.

Strike Surprises

Honey_Badger2199 shed light on the mechanics behind the drop, explaining that old strikes housing strike-specific loot remain viable sources for such items. This revelation, though enlightening, emphasized the rarity of the drops, keeping the element of surprise alive for many Guardians.

A Blast from the Past

As josher14 humorously suggested, perhaps SuperbYeti’s trust in their warden led to this unexpected acquisition. This playful take on the situation added a touch of whimsy to the discussion, showcasing the community’s ability to find humor even in perplexing situations.

Guardian Sentiments

Throughout the thread, sentiments varied from appreciation for the OG gear, with TimsAFK reminiscing about the broken Wardens Law from the past, to gnappyassassin’s acknowledgment of strike-specific loot’s continued presence in the game, albeit without the adept touch. The community’s reactions ranged from nostalgia to curiosity, highlighting the diverse range of emotions stirred by Destiny 2’s evolving loot pool.