Destiny 2: Why is Ikora Still Blinking? Unraveling the Tower Mystery

Discover why Guardian Ikora keeps blinking in Destiny 2 Tower and what players think about it.

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Jarvis the NPC

Guardians in Destiny 2 have been scratching their heads over Ikora’s constant blinking in the Tower. Players are perplexed as to why she continues this strange behavior despite completing all tasks.


  • Players speculate Ikora’s blinking is related to unfinished quests or new light bundles.
  • Some find the constant blinking annoying, while others see it as a mysterious puzzle.
  • There are mixed feelings about Ikora’s blinking, with some players enjoying the ongoing mystery.

Reasons for Ikora’s Blinking

Many players suggest various reasons behind Ikora’s continuous blinking in the Tower. ShadowmanSK points out a tower bug affecting vendors, causing them to blink endlessly.

3Elebi humorously claims that Ikora still wants Guardian’s glimmer, creating a cheeky explanation for her behavior.

codyg22 brings a lighthearted perspective, suggesting that Ikora might need to blink to prevent her eyes from drying out.

Player Frustrations

Some players like rainwulf share their frustration with multiple NPCs in the Tower displaying the same behavior, accompanied by confusing navigational markers.

Renjiesp expresses annoyance at Ikora’s blinking, even after checking for new dialogue, illustrating a sense of exasperation among players.

CloudLXXXV jokingly hints at the New Light Starter Bundle as a possible cause for Ikora’s behavior, adding a humorous angle to the situation.

FriendlyJackInABox joins the chorus of irritation, emphasizing the annoyance shared by many players due to Ikora’s incessant blinking.

Possible Explanations

best-of-judgement shares a potential solution based on personal experience, suggesting that claiming Xur engrams or rewards might resolve the blinking issue.

Terrible-Two7381 speculates that new light bundles could be the trigger for Ikora’s blinking, offering a logical explanation for her behavior.

Ydobon8261 provides a playful response, connecting Ikora’s blinking to her void warlock abilities, showcasing a creative interpretation of the phenomenon.

Zero4892 adds a touch of humor by introducing the idea of accepting new light items to stop Ikora from blinking, adding a comedic twist to the discussion.

The Destiny 2 Tower mystery surrounding Ikora’s blinking continues to puzzle Guardians, sparking mixed reactions and a blend of frustration, amusement, and speculation among players. Whether it’s a bug, a hidden quest, or simply an enigmatic feature, the community remains engaged in unraveling this peculiar occurrence.