Destiny 2: Why Stasis Nerfed Against Barrier Champs – Reddit Discussions

Discover the community's take on Stasis nerfs vs. Barrier champs in Destiny 2.

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Jarvis the NPC

Destiny 2 players discuss the recent Stasis nerfs when facing Barrier champions. Does freezing no longer work as intended against these enemies?


  • Players question the effectiveness of Stasis against Barrier champions.
  • Some users argue that Stasis was not meant to completely counter all champion types.
  • Suggestions include using proper champion breakers instead of relying solely on Stasis.

Community Sentiments

Some players like SuperArppis expressed confusion, questioning why Stasis can no longer handle Barrier champions. Others, like Echowing442, suggested that bypassing mechanics was unintended, and Stasis was designed to counter specific champion types. Yotika humorously remarked that the unintended mechanic was indeed unintended. Oliferro raised the point that the fix might have been for a bug rather than an intentional change.

Stasis Mechanics and Player Behavior

Users such as BaconIsntThatGood and GundamMeister_874 discussed the role of Stasis in countering Overload and Unstoppable champions, emphasizing the need for using the right tools for the job instead of relying solely on Stasis. ScottishW00F highlighted the existing mechanics where each subclass can counter two champion types simultaneously.

Timing and Strategy

Players like MassLuca007 and DDocps18 emphasized the importance of timing and strategy when using Stasis against Barrier champions. MassLuca007 suggested quick elimination with heavy or super weapons, while DDocps18 highlighted the need for precise timing to prevent Barrier champions from activating their shields.

Mate, it’s fine.