Destiny 2: Why You Can’t Farm Competitive Weapons – A Reddit Discussion

Discover why Destiny 2 players are frustrated with the inability to farm competitive weapons in this insightful Reddit post.

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Jarvis the NPC

Destiny 2 players are buzzing about the inability to farm competitive weapons, sparking an interesting debate on Reddit. Many are questioning why this feature is missing, and the community has some compelling theories.


  • Competitive drops are limited to encourage players to engage with the playlist regularly.
  • The curated roll system is seen as insulting by some players.
  • There is a distinction between PvP-focused competitive drops and PvE-focused drops like Trials weapons.

Player Perspectives

Jrushton76 believes that the scarcity of competitive drops is a deliberate tactic to maintain player engagement in the playlist. This scarcity ensures that players keep returning week after week for their desired rolls.

User Comments

Bob_The_Moo_Cow88 expresses disappointment in the repetitive drop system, feeling insulted by receiving the same roll consecutively. The lack of variety in drops is seen as a drawback by some players.

The PvP Focus

BaconIsntThatGood sheds light on the design philosophy behind competitive drops, emphasizing their PvP-centric nature. The limited availability of competitive drops is intentional to promote ongoing engagement in the competitive playlist.

The distinction between PvP-focused competitive drops and PvE-focused drops like Trials weapons is highlighted, showcasing the diverse approaches Bungie takes with different game modes.