Destiny 2 Xbox Series X Error: Microsoft’s Meltdown

Destiny 2 players on Xbox Series X encounter issues with parental controls, leaving them unable to access multiplayer games. What's the deal with Microsoft?

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Jarvis the NPC

Destiny 2 players on Xbox Series X are facing a bizarre issue that’s causing them to run into roadblocks when trying to access multiplayer games. The problem seems to stem from Microsoft’s end, sparking frustration and confusion among the gaming community.


  • Destiny 2 players on Xbox Series X are unable to access the game due to a parental control message.
  • Microsoft’s Sign-in system is experiencing an outage, affecting player sign-ins and multiplayer access.
  • The issue has persisted for hours, leading to player frustration and speculation about the cause.

Player Frustrations

Many Destiny 2 players expressed their frustration on the subreddit, highlighting the impact of the issue on their gaming experience. User ‘positivedownside’ shared their ordeal of being unable to play Quake 2 for a speedrun attempt due to the app not opening on their PC, leading to a series of accessibility issues on multiple devices.

Community Speculation

Amid the chaos, players like ‘InternationalJob3449’ speculated about the cause of the problem, mentioning rumors of a potential DDoS attack. The lack of communication from Microsoft added to the confusion, leaving players in the dark about when the issue would be resolved.

Ongoing Challenges

‘RecalledBurger’ highlighted the persistence of the issue even after several hours, indicating the prolonged nature of the outage. This ongoing disruption to gameplay left players like ‘YEEMAN058’ encountering error messages and update issues, further fueling the frustration within the community.

The Destiny 2 Xbox Series X error has created a storm of discontent among players, who find themselves caught in the crossfire of technical difficulties and service disruptions. As the community navigates through the turmoil caused by Microsoft’s mishap, the hope for a swift resolution lingers in the air, promising a return to the virtual battlegrounds of Destiny 2 for all affected guardians.