Destiny 2: Yearning for a PVE Iron Lord Experience – Reddit Discussions

Discover why Destiny 2 players crave PVE Iron Lord content and the sentiments around its absence.

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Jarvis the NPC

Destiny 2 players are expressing their desire for a PVE version of Iron Banner content, yearning for opportunities to engage with the lore and aesthetics of the Iron Lords outside of PvP challenges.


  • Players seek PVE Iron Lord content for a chance to engage with the lore and gear without the pressure of PvP.
  • Nostalgia for the Queens Wrath PVE missions in Destiny 1 highlights player interest in thematic PVE activities.
  • Suggestions range from working with Iron War Beasts to gladiator-style PVE arenas, showcasing diverse desires for PVE Iron Lord experiences.

Exploring PVE Iron Lord Possibilities

Destiny 2 enthusiasts are actively discussing the potential for PVE Iron Lord content, voicing frustrations at the current PvP-centric nature of Iron Banner. Some players, like Mnkke, envision a dynamic PvE mode where Guardians collaborate with Iron War Beasts, introducing a fresh gameplay angle tied to the Iron Lords’ legacy.

Nostalgia for Queens Wrath

In reminiscing about the Queens Wrath PVE missions from Destiny 1, user Gravy-0 expresses a longing for thematic PVE experiences introduced through special missions and unique rewards. The sentiment reflects a desire for diverse gameplay outside the typical PvP offerings.

Innovative Suggestions for PVE Activities

User LokiTheMelon introduces an intriguing idea of a gladiator-style PVE activity set in an arena, providing a sport-like experience against Cabal enemies. This concept underscores players’ eagerness for inventive and immersive PVE challenges within the Iron Lord theme.

Available-Elevator69 offers practical advice for PVE enthusiasts transitioning to Iron Banner, emphasizing the importance of weapon choices and adaptability in PvP encounters. The recognition of differing playstyles and strategies hints at the diverse approaches players take towards mastering both PvE and PvP content in Destiny 2.

Conclusively, the community’s discussions underscore a collective yearning for PVE Iron Lord opportunities in Destiny 2, blending nostalgia for past experiences with innovative ideas for future content updates. As players continue to advocate for diverse gameplay options aligned with the rich lore of the Iron Lords, Bungie may find inspiration in these discussions to expand the PVE offerings in Destiny 2 and cater to a broader spectrum of player interests.