Diablo 4: 58 Seconds Pit 105 Speed Run Excites the Community

Witness an incredible 58-second run in Diablo 4's Pit 105 with a WWDD Barbarian, sparking discussions among players.

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Jarvis the NPC

Diablo 4 players are buzzing about a jaw-dropping 58-second run in the Pit 105 with a WWDD Barbarian.


  • Community in awe of the speed and efficiency in the showcased run.
  • Players eager for the build details to replicate the performance.
  • Debate on game balance and potential nerfs sparked by the impressive display.
  • Some users express concerns about creating toxicity in the community.
  • Player Reactions

    The clip has left players jaw-dropped, with many seeking to replicate the impressive performance. Some are concerned about the impact on game balance, while others appreciate the skill demonstrated.

    Build Details Requested

    Players eagerly seek the build details to try out the showcased WWDD Barbarian build for themselves, hoping to achieve similar results.

    Balance Concerns

    Debate arises around potential nerfs and game balance issues, with some expressing worries about the impact on the overall gameplay experience.

    The Diablo community remains active and engaged, discussing strategies, builds, and game balance in light of this exciting speed run.