Diablo 4 Community: Missing the Son of Malphas Encounter – Reddit Reactions

The Diablo 4 community reminiscing about encounters with the Son of Malphas and sharing mixed feelings towards its absence in the game.

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Jarvis the NPC

Exploring the sentiments of the Diablo 4 community, reminiscing about the encounters with the Son of Malphas and expressing varied opinions on the current game content, sparks discussions filled with nostalgia and hopes for future updates. Why the mixed reactions? Let’s dive in!


  • Community misses the Son of Malphas encounter but desires more random encounters.
  • Players express nostalgia for past encounters with bosses like Astaroth.
  • Opinions vary, with some finding the encounter too easy and others reminiscing fondly about the challenge.

Community Nostalgia

The sentiments on the subreddit paint a picture of nostalgia for previous encounters, with many players missing the thrill of facing off against foes like the Son of Malphas and Astaroth. The desire for more diverse and challenging encounters resonates strongly within the community.

Varied Opinions

While some players express a longing for the return of the Son of Malphas encounter, others voice concerns about its difficulty level. Some find it too easy and view it as merely a damage sponge, while others recall the tanky nature of the boss and the strategic approach it demanded.

Potential Updates

Speculations about potential future updates and the reintroduction of past encounters like the Son of Malphas create a sense of anticipation among players. The hope for fresh content and revitalized challenges fuels discussions on the subreddit.

The diverse opinions showcased within the Diablo 4 community highlight the nuanced perspectives regarding past encounters and current gameplay elements. As players reflect on their experiences facing off against formidable foes like the Son of Malphas, the discussions serve as a reminder of the rich tapestry of memories that shape the community’s collective journey through the world of Diablo 4.