Diablo 4 Gold Woes: Why is Everything in Billions?

The Diablo community debates the necessity of high gold values in Diablo 4 trading, sparking concerns over inflation.

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Jarvis the NPC

Diablo 4 players are scratching their heads at the astronomical amounts of gold required for trading. User Jilted-1 questions the need for billions in the game’s economy, stirring up a debate among fans.


  • Players express frustration over the impact of bots on the economy.
  • Concerns are raised about hyperinflation due to gold farming.
  • The debate highlights the divide between trading advocates and self-found purists.

Frustration with Gold Inflation

Many users attribute the skyrocketing gold values in Diablo 4 to the influx of bots and gold sellers. User matamor points out the detrimental effect of these practices on the game’s economy, leading to inflated prices and making it challenging for legitimate players to sustain their progression.

Bots and RMT Controversy

User Christ14an sheds light on the prevalence of Chinese gold farming bots that have flooded the market, causing hyperinflation. The practice of purchasing gold to gain an advantage further exacerbates the issue, creating a skewed playing field where some players amass vast amounts of wealth through questionable means.

Trading vs. Self-Found Dilemma

User Due_Cheetah_377 emphasizes the divide between players who engage in trading and those who prefer self-found challenges. While trading offers convenience, it comes at a cost that some find prohibitive, leading to a debate on the viability of different playstyles within the Diablo 4 community.

Despite differing opinions on the matter, one thing remains clear—the issue of gold inflation in Diablo 4 has sparked a lively discourse among players. The game’s economy, shaped by trading dynamics and external influences, continues to be a topic of contention within the community.