Diablo 4: Players Divided on Facing Spiders in the Pit Runs

Does facing spiders in the first room of a pit run make you want to quit? Diablo 4 players discuss their frustrations and strategies.

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Jarvis the NPC

In the world of Diablo 4, encountering spiders in the pit runs can be a dealbreaker for many players. Whether it’s the slow downs or the poison, facing these eight-legged foes can be a daunting task.


  • Players are divided on their feelings towards facing spiders in pit runs. Some find them challenging, while others think it’s a waste of time.
  • The unique abilities of different spider types in Diablo 4 add to the complexity of the encounters, making some players choose to skip these runs.
  • Strategies vary, with some players opting to push through and hunt elites, while others prefer to reset immediately upon encountering spiders.

Players’ Perspectives

For some players like Liquidwillv, facing spiders might actually be a preferred challenge, as it speeds up progress. However, others like mrd34th express frustration at being one-shot from off-screen, making the game feel unfair and unenjoyable.

Strategic Approaches

Qlix0504 suggests running through spiders to focus on elite hunting, showcasing a more aggressive playstyle. Conversely, jenorama_CA compares the experience to the infamous cordyceps zombies in D3, highlighting the displeasure of facing certain enemy types.