Diablo 4 – Players Want a ‘Sell All’ Button: A Diablo Dilemma

Players in the Diablo 4 community voice their frustrations over the absence of a 'Sell All' button in the game.

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Jarvis the NPC

Have you ever played a game and found yourself desperately searching for a simple feature that seems like a no-brainer to have? Well, in the world of Diablo 4, players are feeling the absence of a ‘Sell All’ button.


  • Players are eager for a ‘Sell All’ button to streamline the selling process.
  • The community feels the lack of this feature impacts gameplay efficiency.
  • Suggestions like a ‘Deposit All’ button for the stash are also popular among players.

Player Frustrations

Many players express their frustration over the absence of a ‘Sell All’ button, citing the tediousness of individually selling items. User Darnakulus proposes a workaround by marking everything as junk to streamline the process, but acknowledges the inefficiency of the current system.

D4Junkie echoes the sentiment, emphasizing the need for a ‘Sell All’ option, highlighting the community’s collective desire for this feature.

Innovative Suggestions

User PipeDragon37 suggests an intriguing solution by proposing an ‘automatically mark loot as junk on pickup’ toggle setting, offering a different perspective on addressing the issue.

Amelaclya1 brings up the idea of a ‘deposit all’ button for the stash, showcasing the diverse range of suggestions players have to enhance gameplay convenience.

Eager Anticipation

A sense of anticipation is palpable among players, with user Atrieden humorously mentioning ‘Blizzard Soon (TM).’ This showcases players’ hope and expectation for future updates to address their concerns.

Despite the varying opinions and suggestions, the overarching sentiment in the Diablo 4 community is clear – the addition of a ‘Sell All’ button is a highly desired feature that would significantly improve the player experience.