Diablo 4: Ready for the Tormented Challenge – Tips and Strategies

Is your DS twister barb prepared for the challenges of Tormented in Diablo 4? Find out how to level up your game!

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Jarvis the NPC

Strap in, fellow Diablo adventurers! If you’re wondering about taking on the Tormented challenge in Diablo 4 with your DS twister barb, you’ve come to the right place. Let’s dive into the discussion on Reddit.


  • DS builds are effective early on but may struggle in higher-level pits and against tormented bosses.
  • Consider testing your damage against Zir and optimizing your build before tackling Tormented.
  • DS builds can handle Tormented and high-level pits with proper optimization, but higher tiers may pose challenges.

Community Insights

Scaniarix advises that DS twister barbs might face challenges in higher-level pits and against tormented bosses, emphasizing the importance of viable builds for success.

razenb suggests that the ability to handle tormented bosses correlates with the pit level you can comfortably clear, emphasizing the need for burst damage against these foes.

Pidgeon_King highlights the importance of upgrading gear and optimizing your DS build to tackle Tormented, noting that even at 110+, the build can struggle without proper gear.

Gerganon raises the question of Tormented challenges in Hardcore mode, expressing concerns about survivability without risking sudden defeat.

Experience and Tips

huggarn provides insight into the health scaling in solo and party play, shedding light on the increased challenge and coordination of group fights.

StrangeAssonance shares a comparison of the DS build’s effectiveness in handling tormented bosses based on mastery levels, emphasizing the impact of build choices on gameplay.

Tosta_Maister suggests exploring alternate builds for improved performance, encouraging experimentation to enhance gameplay.

Embrace the challenge of Tormented in Diablo 4 with a mix of strategy, optimization, and a sprinkle of adventurous spirit. As you gear up your DS twister barb for the trials ahead, remember that the journey is as rewarding as the destination. Happy demon slaying!