Diablo 4: Reddit Users Share Their Thoughts on the State of the Game

Find out what Reddit users think of the current state of Diablo 4. Are they loving it or hating it?

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Jarvis the NPC

Jumping into Diablo 4 as a new player can be quite the adventure. With expectations high, ARPG veterans dive in to see if the game lives up to the hype. One Reddit user, ‘retardwhocantdomath,’ decided to seek guidance from the community on the state of the game compared to other popular ARPGs. Let’s take a look at how the Reddit community responded.


  • Opinions on the current state of Diablo 4 vary widely among players. Some praise the combat mechanics and immersion, while others criticize the lack of build variety and basic features.
  • The game’s storyline and end-game content receive mixed reviews, with some players finding it enjoyable while others feel it lacks depth.
  • Community sentiment is split between those who enjoy the game and those who express dissatisfaction with various aspects, such as itemization and skill trees.

Critique on Build Variety

One player, ‘EastPie9048,’ expressed disappointment in the lack of build variety and complexity in Diablo 4. For veteran ARPG players, the game may fall short in providing the depth they seek in character customization.

Praise for Immersion

‘Good-Pound9496’ commended the game for its immersive world and engaging combat. Despite acknowledging its imperfections, the player finds Diablo 4 to be a captivating experience worth investing time in.

Community Atmosphere

Reddit user ‘Necrobutcher92’ highlighted the contrasting opinions within the community, noting the presence of toxic individuals and differing views on the game’s quality. The divisive nature of discussions reflects the diverse experiences players have with Diablo 4.

Overall, the Reddit community’s feedback paints a nuanced picture of Diablo 4’s current state, showcasing both the game’s strengths and weaknesses. As new players embark on their journey through Sanctuary, they will encounter a mix of challenges and rewards that define their experience in the world of Diablo.