Diablo 4 Skill Affix Issue: Why is My +Skill Affix Not +6?

Players in the Diablo 4 community are puzzled over the mechanics of the +skill affix not reaching +6. Let's dive in!

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Jarvis the NPC

In the world of Diablo, players often encounter puzzling mechanics that can leave them scratching their heads. One Reddit user, cduun, recently posted about their confusion regarding the +skill affix not reaching the expected +6 level.


  • The +skill affix issue stems from how masterwork hits calculate values before applying the increase.
  • Masterwork hits don’t multiply the GA value directly, leading to the discrepancy in the affix level.
  • <li+1 for ball lightning from the GA indicates the intermediate calculation involved in determining the final value.

  • Understanding the intricate mechanics of masterwork hits and skill affixes is essential for optimizing gameplay in Diablo 4.

Community Insights

One user, crafteri, shed light on the calculation process, explaining how the GA value is handled alongside masterwork hits. They noted, “The Masterwork hits don’t multiply the GA value, they multiply the value before the GA increase. So it starts calculating it from 3 not 4.”

Raider4- elaborated on the +50% increase on the max roll of the affix, clarifying that the calculation excludes the GA’d value. This distinction impacts the final outcome of the affix level.

Mileena_Sai’s detailed breakdown of the calculations involved in the +skill affix issue highlighted the nuances of rounding down whole numbers and the significance of the base stat and GA adjustments.

Player Perspectives

_Drumheller_ provided a practical example of the incremental increase in the affix level, emphasizing the ongoing progression through masterworking to achieve the desired outcome.

Lurkin17 delved into the formulaic approach to masterworking ranks and passives on legendaries, contrasting it with the straightforward math applied to uniques. This distinction underscores the complexity of optimizing affix levels.

heartbroken_nerd shared a resource by Wudijo that delves into the intricacies of +skill rank masterworking on legendaries versus uniques, emphasizing the importance of understanding these mechanics for effective gameplay.