Diablo 4 Town Portal Mystery Unraveled – Reddit Discussion

Ever wondered if using town portal changes your instance in Diablo 4? Reddit users share their experiences and insights.

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Jarvis the NPC

Diablo 4 players are seeking answers to the mystery surrounding town portals and instance changes. Does using a town portal truly alter the game world?


  • Using town portals in Diablo 4 may lead to instance changes.
  • Being in a party can help anchor you to the same instance.
  • Players exploit instance changes for beneficial outcomes.

Positive Instances

Some players find the randomness of instance changes intriguing, using it to their advantage, such as encountering stronger enemies for better loot.

Negative Occurrences

Others express frustration at being disconnected from successful runs or losing track of valuable items due to instance alterations.

Strategies and Tips

Players suggest partying up or focusing on specific actions to maintain instance consistency, revealing the intricacies of Diablo 4’s world mechanics.

Amidst the confusion and unexpected outcomes, the community’s shared experiences shed light on the dynamic nature of virtual worlds that keep players on their toes.