Diablo Bug Report: Character Movement Issue on PTR S5 Sparks Frustration Among Players

Players on the PTR for S5 in Diablo are voicing their frustrations over a persistent bug affecting character movements.

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Jarvis the NPC

Players on the PTR for Diablo Season 5 are experiencing a recurring bug that causes characters to get stuck after using certain skills. The bug seems to affect movement during evasive maneuvers, leading to frustration among the community.


  • Players are reporting a bug where character movement gets stuck after using certain skills, particularly during evasive actions.
  • The bug is not limited to one class or skill, with reports mentioning a range of affected abilities.
  • Some players speculate on the cause, suggesting it may be related to mobility adjustments or technical issues.

Frustrations Mount

Commenters express their annoyance with the bug, highlighting how it impacts gameplay flow and immersion. Some players, like ‘msshammy,’ theorize about the underlying issue, proposing that it might stem from a broader problem with character hitboxes. The sentiment is shared by ‘flowqwi,’ who points out the anomaly’s prevalence even in basic movements, indicating a potential system-wide issue.

Hopes for Resolution

While some like ‘Alwayslookingout’ find humor in the bug, others, such as ‘OneBakedWalrus88,’ are actively engaging with Blizzard Support to resolve the issue. The community’s mixed reactions range from frustration to optimism, with players like ‘Distinct-Race-2471’ drawing attention to other in-game discrepancies they perceive as undermining the overall experience.

Technical Speculations

‘Hardac_’ delves into technical details, suggesting that the bug might be linked to input mechanisms. This insightful perspective adds a layer of complexity to the discussion, hinting at potential platform-specific nuances that could explain the bug’s erratic behavior.