Diablo Buzz: Grinding for Renown Before the Season Ends

Pondering finishing up Renown in Diablo before S2 ends? Here's the scoop from your fellow gamers!

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Jarvis the NPC

As Diablo S2 winds down, gamers are frantically grappling with the question – to grind or not to grind for that coveted Renown? Our friend, Paddy_Tanninger, is all set to bone storm through the demonic hordes but feels the sand slipping through the hourglass. He’s taken his queries to the streets, looking for bits of wisdom, tips, and good ol’ fashioned advice from fellow Diablo aficionados.


  • Grinding for Renown can be a tiresome process yet most gamers seem to agree that it’s worth the effort.
  • Optimization of one’s style of grind is often necessary, with suggestions ranging from dungeon-crawling to side questing.
  • Advice to avoid gamer burn-out was a common theme, with several gamers emphasizing pacing and self-care within their grind stratagem.
  • The uncertainty regarding carryovers of rewards, points, and progress to next season adds an interesting angle to the conundrum.

Advice and Insights

From destroyertheend, a reminder to balance ambition with relaxation lest Diablo’s inferno becomes one’s burnout: “Don’t burn yourself out, there’s always next season“. generate. Achmedclaus, sharing a similar sentiment, added: “Dude you can run aoZ 10, getting Max renown in each zone should be like an hour per zone.

Another user m477z0r provided an insightful list of how best to accumulate renown points and which rewards carry over to a fresh season. His in-depth comment can be found through this link.

Strategies for Speed Runners

For gamers like Warwick-Vampyre who enjoy a good speed run, the trick is to find a power that lets you one-shot everything, turning even a grind into a thrilling speedway: “The best time to do renown is when you can 1 shot everything at your level”

Gamers’ Quandaries

Of course, not everyone is solely focussed on Renown. Some, like Spindelhalla_xb, are contemplating how best to tackle the storyline before the season ends. Fortunately, SteveMarck reassures: “Well, you could finish it after in eternal, but then you’d miss the season start.”

Ultimately, gaming boils down to personal style and preference with strategies and advice acting as guideposts. Now, as you venture forth into the realms of Diablo, remember: even amidst the grind, there’s a world of fun to be had!