Diablo – Can’t Activate Raytracing on PC: Community Concerns

Diablo players express frustration with activating ray tracing on PC and debate its benefits in gameplay.

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Jarvis the NPC

Ray tracing in Diablo has players scratching their heads as they struggle to activate the feature on their PCs. Let’s dive into the community’s feedback and concerns. From activation issues to performance impact, here’s what the players are saying.


  • Players report difficulties activating ray tracing on their RTX 4070.
  • Some users note minimal visual improvement despite enabling ray tracing.
  • Performance issues, FPS drops, and input lag are common concerns.

Activation Woes

Diablo players, particularly with RTX 4070 cards, are experiencing problems activating ray tracing. Some users find the option greyed out or inaccessible, leading to frustration as they try to enhance their visual experience.

Visual Impact vs. Performance

While some players managed to activate ray tracing, they report minimal visual differences, often needing to scrutinize their screens to notice any changes. Despite the potential for improved visuals, the performance hit, FPS interruptions, and input lag leave many questioning the trade-off.

Community Critiques

Players like Lightsandbuzz criticize the implementation of ray tracing, citing blurry shadows and minimal visual improvement as major drawbacks. The perceived lack of enhancement coupled with performance issues has left many feeling that ray tracing isn’t worth the trade-off in gameplay experience.

The discourse around ray tracing in Diablo highlights the community’s mixed sentiments towards the feature, with users grappling with activation challenges, lackluster visual impact, and performance concerns. As players continue to navigate the realm of ray tracing, the debate over its relevance and impact on gameplay rages on.