Diablo Downunder: A Community Perspective on the Best Co-op Campaigns

Exploring the Diablo series' best co-op campaign according to enthusiastic players' opinions.

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Jarvis the NPC

Deciding on a favorite Diablo co-op campaign isn’t as straightforward as one might think. Community members have varying preferences, largely dependent on their experiences and relationship with the game.


  • Diablo community members have a diverse set of preferences regarding the game’s co-op campaigns.
  • Some like Diablo 2 for its online co-op, while others prefer Diablo 3/4’s couch co-op.
  • Level scaling, quality of the story, and good fun is why some users appreciate Diablo 4 specifically.
  • However, some community members still don’t understand Diablo 3’s main story despite playing it numerous times.

Favorite Co-op Modes

Mortiferous12 says Diablo 3 or 4 is their go-to for couch co-op while online co-op was definitely a Diablo 2 territory. In contrast, potatoshulk prefers Diablo 4 specifically for co-op scaling, though admits Diablo 3 is also fine if one can stomach the campaign.

Time Spent Playing

Some community members, like SuperArppis, emphasized the amount of time they enjoyed the game, highlighting that they had played Diablo 4 for about 180 hours before stopping as they found the level scaling, story and other activities satisfying. Meanwhile, PlaguedBlood_ mentioned that though they have spent countless hours playing Diablo 3 with friends, Diablo 4 is currently their preferred game.

Quality of Story and Gameplay

One of the factors impacting the users’ preferences is the quality of each game’s story. For instance, UnusualEggplant5400 presented a list of preferences. Interestingly, despite playing Diablo 3 multiple times, they still have no clue what the main story even was. On the other hand, UltraInsane praised Diablo 4 for its intriguing campaign, a good number of high-quality cinematic videos, while Diablo 3 was good, but not special.

Every player has their own unique journey through the Diablo series, shaping and coloring their experience. Agree or disagree with their views? Any game in the series you find superior, or one you find slipping through the cracks? Regardless, one thing’s for sure; the Diablo community is filled with passionate players willing to deep dive and explain their preferences in depth.