Diablo Drama: Robot Scales 1:1 With Your Stats

Diablo 4 ignites debate about the latest game mechanic. Are the scales balanced or broken? Find out here!

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Jarvis the NPC

Excitement and trepidation echo through the Diablo community, sparked by the post, ‘Robot scales 1:1 with your stats!’ by TrezCushrenada. Lupgaron, a class designer at Blizzard, looms large in the content.


  • Excitement over potential for new character builds and playstyles.
  • Concerns about compatibility with existing classes and class-specs.
  • Questions about support skills and summon counts.

Making Waves

For some, like rafaelfy, the concept of a 1:1 robot scaling has them contemplating new character choices. They muse about a zoo build with the mercenary feature as a potential game-change.

Chilling the Hype

However, not everyone’s feeling the optimism. There are those such as abort_retry_flail who voice skepticism about how effective the robot will be, particularly for those who prefer a faster pace with their class-specs. They jestingly describe the robot’s slow tempo in the heat of battle.

A Waiting Game

The_Shy_One_224 approaches the matter from a tech standpoint, expressing concern about stat decrease issues seen with other game aspects. Others like King2k14 are keen to know how the robot interacts with support skills – will personal benefits translate as well?

Summoning Questions

Meanwhile, questions spring up about summon counts. Pharmd109 wonders about Necro’s capability, while Aber-so-richtig queries Necro’s worth in relation to the robot. With no clear answers yet, gamers eagerly await further information.

So there we have it, folks! A tale of robots, stats, and the ever-vocal Diablo community. Will Lupgaron’s mechanic add layers of depth to the game, or will it fizzle out like a low-level fire spell? We’ll have to wait and see, in true Diablo time-honored tradition. Stay tuned!