Diablo Gamer Dilemma: Physical Sunder Charm – Is It Worth It?

Deeper look into Diablo's Physical Sunder Charm efficacy based on the player's viewpoint, suggestions and real game experiences.

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Jarvis the NPC

In the heart of every Diablo enthusiast lies an in-depth knowledge about the game strategies and mechanics. One such topic that sparked intense discussion among its players, notably SnakeNerdGamer, is the value of the Physical Sunder Charm.


  • SnakeNerdGamer observed no change in damage after applying the Physical Sunder Charm on his Amazon.
  • Players provided insightful responses regarding the specific use of this item.
  • Some users expressed frustration over the drop rate and apparent minimal impact of the Physical Sunder Charm.

Hot Takes from the Community

DaveHutt suggested using Atmas Scarab amulet to proc Amplify damage. Among other things, it might find good use in tandem with Physical Sunder Charm. Pristine-Focus echoed this sentiment stating, ‘5% damage is very low. To use effectively you need some way to decrease resistances even further.’

The Tricky Functionality of the Physical Sunder Charm

Multiple comments, including one from Crazy_Ali, highlighted that the Sunder charms, including the Physical Sunder, only kick into effect when a monster has the immunity that the charm breaks. They all marked it as ineffective against monsters without physical immunity, revealing a strategic way to use the charm only against specific foes.

Community Sentiment and Humor

The post also brought out the Diablo community’s shared frustrations and humor. The difficulty of obtaining a Physical Sunder Charm was a common sentiment. RepostFrom4chan humorously quipped, ‘Worst part about sunder charms is you search for soo long to get one, then after it’s all that ever fu”king drops‘.

Despite the varying opinions and frustrations, the consensus among Diablo players is clear – understanding the game mechanics helps in strategizing and making the best use of items. The Physical Sunder Charm undeniably has its place in Diablo. However, its effectiveness depends on how and when it is deployed. While the charm can seem ineffective initially, it shines when used strategically, demonstrating the depth and nuance that makes Diablo a beloved game among its players.