Diablo Gold Economy: Reddit’s Verdict on S4

Join the Diablo community in a lively discussion about the gold economy in Season 4 - is it a boon or a bane?

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Jarvis the NPC

Delve into the Diablo community’s heated debate on the Season 4 gold economy. Opinions are split, with players facing struggles and proposing diverse solutions.


  • Players divided on the impact of gold economy, with some facing severe shortages.
  • Issues stem from expensive enchanting and masterworking costs.
  • Botters blamed for skewing in-game economies and inflating item prices.

Rants and Raves

Many players find gold a major bottleneck, hindering progression and crafting upgrades. The reliance on third-party trading platforms to bypass gold shortages raises concerns about fair play and game design.

Bot Woes

The prevalence of botters amassing large gold reserves skews the economy, making legitimate players struggle to keep up. Suggestions for balancing gold drops and item values to counter botting influence are rife.

Diverse Perspectives

From advocating for a Diablo auction house to proposing trade and farm modes akin to Last Epoch, players vocalize varied solutions to address the gold economy divide.