Diablo: How to Achieve Barbillions of Damage in Diablo 4?

Struggling to do massive damage in Diablo 4? Find out how to optimize your build for barbillions of damage!

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Jarvis the NPC

Struggling to unleash the true power of your Diablo 4 character? Dreams_of_the_desert is seeking advice on enhancing their flay barb’s damage output in Pit 77. With impressive stats but underwhelming performance, the community jumps in with tips and suggestions.


  • Understanding how different damage multipliers interact is crucial for maximizing damage.
  • Crit damage should be balanced with other stats to optimize overall performance.
  • Players recommend specific strategies for fine-tuning stats to achieve barbillions of damage.

AutoModerator Suggestions

Dreams_of_the_desert is directed to various resources for Barbarian class guides, builds, and discussions to aid in enhancing their character’s performance.

BuddhaChrist_ideas’ Insight

BuddhaChrist_ideas points out the importance of understanding how specific damage multipliers, like Crit Damage and Vulnerable Damage, interact to achieve optimal damage output.

dmanbzicki1’s Tip

dmanbzicki1 suggests tempering Crit Damage with a rogue to improve the overall effectiveness of the build.

rowroyce’s Advice

rowroyce highlights the need to balance Vulnerable Damage and Crit Damage, indicating that the current ratio may be hindering performance.

Final Thoughts

As players dive deep into optimizing their Diablo 4 builds, the pursuit of perfection leads to discussions on the delicate balance of stats for achieving barbillions of damage. Crafting the ideal character requires a keen understanding of how each stat contributes to overall effectiveness, with the community offering valuable insights and strategies for reaching new heights in damage output.