Diablo – Is Pulv Druid Still Viable in S4? Ultimate Guide and Reviews

Discover if the Pulv Druid is still up to snuff in the new season of Diablo S4. Read reviews and insights from fellow gamers!

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Jarvis the NPC

Curious about the viability of Pulv Druid in the latest season of Diablo? Seek no further, for answers lie ahead.


  • Pulv Druid remains a crowd favorite with its unique gameplay mechanics.
  • Players find Pulv Druid satisfying despite not being as strong as some other classes.
  • The endgame transition from Pulv to Wind Shear is noted for its fun factor.

Expert Insights

“Yes, if you go the overpower route,” commented Sweaty-Property-7658.

“Pulv Druid is the most satisfying class this season,” shared Mighty_Oakk, emphasizing its gameplay experience.

“Played Pulv till about lvl 75, amazing for mobs but not great for bosses. Switched to wind shear and it’s a blast now,” stated Familiar_Spirit_6341.

Community Verdict

“Pulverize is an excellent choice for leveling and now stands as one of the top-end Druid builds,” praised Karltowns17.

“Infinite landslide build might be better for pushing pits,” recomendeltered welter_spirt.

“They did buffs to Pulv Druid, making it viable. Hope for more improvements next season,” noted Wellhellob.