Diablo: Just Hit 640k HP on My Thorns Barb – Reddit Reactions

Join the Diablo subreddit to celebrate hitting 640k HP on a Thorns Barb, and dive into the community's reactions!

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Jarvis the NPC

Locke38, a proud Diablo player, hit a whopping 640k HP on their Thorns Barb, celebrating their growth from 300k to 600k without consulting any guides. Known for blasting through challenges, Locke38’s journey has sparked conversation in the community.


  • Locke38 showcases dedication and skill by doubling HP without external guidance.
  • Community praises the Thorns Barb build and its efficiency when handling Pit 101.
  • Despite not being a flashy Bash Barb, Thorns Barb proves cost-effective and powerful.

Community Enthusiasm

Locke38’s achievement has ignited excitement within the Diablo community, with players marveling at the dedication and progress showcased. It serves as a testament to the rewarding experience of self-improvement within the game, resonating with fellow enthusiasts striving for similar accomplishments.

Thorns Barb Strategies

As the discussion unfolds, users delve into the intricacies of the Thorns Barb build, sharing insights on how Locke38 might have achieved such impressive HP levels. Discussions on strength attributes, synergies, and gear choices provide valuable information for players looking to optimize their own builds.

Future Speculations

While celebrating Locke38’s milestone, some players express hopes for future updates or buffs to the Barb class, indicating a desire for even greater challenges and opportunities within the game. These speculations add an additional layer of anticipation and engagement to the community’s response.