Diablo: Lightning Sorcerer Fans Discuss Switching to Necromancer

Lightning sorcerer fans share struggles switching to Necromancer in Diablo. Will they find a build to replicate the lightsorc feel?

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Jarvis the NPC

Diablo fans are torn between their love for the lightning sorcerer and the clunkiness of the necromancer. Seeking ways to achieve that lightsorc vibe while exploring endgame content.


  • Players yearn for a Necro build that matches the fluidity and power of the lightning sorcerer.
  • Season 4 changes hold promise for potential game-changing dynamics.
  • Suggestions range from lightning storm druid to waiting for the next season’s update for a better fit.

Exploring Builds

While transitioning from the lightning sorcerer to the necromancer, some players find the latter’s playstyle less engaging. The search for a build that captures the same thrill and efficiency is a constant quest in the Diablo community.

Season 4 Speculations

Anticipation is high for Season 4, with rumors suggesting significant alterations that could impact the gameplay experience. Players wonder if these changes will finally provide the necromancer with the abilities they seek.

Alternative Recommendations

Community members offer diverse solutions to the dilemma, including exploring lightning storm druid as a potential compromise. Waiting for the new season’s launch is another popular choice, hoping for a better fit in the upcoming update.