Diablo: Necromancer Minion Bugged or Nerfed? Reddit Users Discuss

Discover how Diablo players are feeling about the sudden change in Necromancer minion strength as discussed on Reddit.

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Jarvis the NPC

Diablo gamers are currently in a state of confusion and frustration as they discuss the unexpected weakening of Necromancer minions. A Reddit user, d00mdozer, shared their experience of suddenly witnessing their minions being obliterated by basic mobs despite no changes in their build or gear.


  • Players are experiencing a significant drop in Necromancer minion effectiveness.
  • Community members are speculating on potential reasons behind the sudden change.
  • Suggestions include re-equipping gear and checking for attribute loading issues.

Players’ Frustrations

Many players, like timberthechimera13 and darthopotato, echoed d00mdozer’s sentiments, expressing surprise and frustration at their minions’ newfound vulnerability. Some players, such as ayu_fever, humorously suggested that the power of their minions somehow transferred to the Barbarian class, adding a touch of light-heartedness to the discussion.

Possible Solutions

Struykert offered a practical solution by advising players to re-equip their gear, as sometimes attributes may not load correctly, leading to a loss of buffs. This suggestion resonated with many users who found it helpful in addressing the issue.

Community Speculations

Amidst the complaints and troubleshooting tips, players engaged in speculative discussions about potential reasons behind the minion nerf, showcasing the community’s analytical approach to in-game changes.

Despite the frustrations voiced by players, the shared experience of navigating this unexpected hurdle seemed to foster a sense of camaraderie among Diablo enthusiasts.