Diablo Paragon Board Confusion: How to Unlock and Slot Glyphs

Confused about slotting glyphs in your Diablo paragon board? Find out how to unlock and place glyphs correctly.

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Jarvis the NPC

Having trouble figuring out how to slot glyphs in your Diablo paragon board? User catdaddydon needs help understanding why they can’t add the gravekeeper glyph despite meeting the requirements. Let’s dive into the comments and unravel this mystery!


  • Unlock glyphs through drops or caches, not all glyphs are immediately available.
  • The dex requirements for slotting a glyph refer to the radius range around the glyph, not the whole board.
  • You can increase the radius of the glyph by leveling it up through gameplay.

Unlocking the Glyph

Several users pointed out that the issue was not with the total dex on the board but with unlocking the specific glyph. Meth0dd explains that the gravekeeper glyph needs to be acquired before it can be slotted, as indicated by the greyed-out appearance.

Radius Range Clarification

Users like bitemejackass and JediMasterWiggin emphasized the importance of the radius range around the glyph for meeting the dex requirement. It’s not about the total dex purchased but about having a certain amount within the highlighted area.

Leveling Up the Glyph

ralf1 and Immundus shed light on the concept of leveling up the glyph to increase its radius range, which influences the bonus stats within that area. This progression is essential for maximizing the effectiveness of the glyph.

It’s clear that understanding the intricacies of glyph mechanics is crucial for optimizing your paragon board in Diablo. By unlocking the right glyphs, focusing on the radius range, and leveling up strategically, you can enhance your character’s abilities and tackle challenges more effectively.