Diablo Players’ Perspective on Seasonal and Eternal Characters

Unraveling the heated discussion in the Diablo community about the relevance of seasonal and eternal characters.

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Jarvis the NPC

Diablo players are engaged in a riveting discussion about their gaming preferences concerning seasonal and eternal characters. The discourse stems from the curiosity of whether players continue to use their seasonal characters once they transition to eternal or not.


  • Roughly, the majority of players lean towards not playing with eternal characters, mainly due to the allure of fresh seasonal characters.
  • However, a small faction finds enjoyment in leveling their eternal characters to 100, driven by a sense of completion.
  • Views on the existence of the eternal realm are divided, with some seeing it almost as a place to retire their characters and others questioning its very relevance.

The Allure of Seasonal Characters

Gamers like McSmokeyDaPot find the thrill of starting afresh exciting. For them, the idea of playing with new seasonal characters outweighs the enjoyment derived from the eternal realm. Spiderbubble and ddWolf_ echo similar sentiments, detailing their lack of interest in playing in the eternal realm.

Role of the Eternal Realm

Some players have notably mixed feelings about the eternal realm. CallMeElderon articulately describes the eternal realm as a “staging ground for deletion.” Meanwhile, players like Blazur look forward to the eternal realm, seeing it as a place for future exploration when bored.

Quest for Completion

A small number of players, including NickDerpkins, disclose their willingness to revisit their eternal characters. Their motivation often stems from the desire to complete all quests and achieve a sense of overall completion.

All in all, the Diablo community displays a colorful palette of opinions and gaming habits. While the allure of fresh characters keeps the majority hooked, the eternal realm does hold value for a portion of the community, albeit seen by some as a retirement home for their characters. This on-going conversation reflects the wide array of engagement styles and strategies available within the gaming universe, proof of Diablo’s enriching and captivating depth.