Diablo Players’ Sentiments on Damage in S3 Versus S2: The Reddit Synopsis

Highlighting players' predictions and concerns about potential damage reduction in Diablo's S3, after Blizz post.

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Jarvis the NPC

It seems Diablo gamers are buzzing with buzz in the wake of a Blizz post outlining some expected changes in the game’s third season. The discussion we’re diving into today is centered on the potential for damage reduction in Season 3 (S3) as compared to Season 2 (S2), as voiced by Reddit user, Actual__Wizard.


  • Diablo gamers are expressing concerns over perceived reduction in character damage in the upcoming season
  • A significant part of the discussion points to the potential benefits and drawbacks of pet abilities
  • There is speculation around game balancing initiatives by Blizzard, which might result in a ‘turning-down-the-dial’ of overpowering abilities.
  • The community seems to be in a speculative stage, awaiting more information to make thorough assessments

Fanning the Flames of Prediction

Right off the bat, user SQRTLURFACE contributes an in-depth reasoning into the debate, stating that he wouldn’t rule out significant player power this season. This is despite anticipating a blanket nerf to overpower and overpower builds as developers reassess the “change” from the previous season. He goes on to suggest that Class balancing could result in buffs to underperforming builds.

Resilience in the Face of Change

Despite these speculations, some Diablo enthusiasts, like Warwick-Vampyre, maintain an optimistic outlook, contrarily foreseeing that pets could give the same effects as some powerful abilities like hemomancy and sanguine brace. Another user, P3na1ty1, seems unfazed by the possibility of returning to near vanilla levels of damage, albeit with a pet, asking simply -‘How is that bad?’

Pets, Power & Possibility

Aside from the discussion around damage reduction, noticeably there’s also a shared interest, even excitement, regarding the introduction of pets. User keegsahart expresses that having a pet to invest into is a great idea, adding fuel to the anticipation building around how that’s going to shake up the game dynamics in the new season.

As the Diablo community braces itself for the waves of change rolling in with S3, there’s an acknowledgement, like that from user ForcedToUseGoogle, that new broken builds will emerge. For now, the community seems to be adopting a wait and see approach- reminding us all that the gaming landscape is ever in flux and the best we can do is ride the wave!