Diablo Players Suggest ‘Trade Solution’ Inspiration from Last Epoch

Diablo community has vibrant discussions about possible trade solution inspired by Last Epoch.

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Jarvis the NPC

It seems the Diablo community is buzzing with the potential solution for in-game trading, taking cues from an innovative system implemented in Last Epoch. This shift could prove to be a real game-changer.


  • The trade mechanism proposed by post author ‘greenchair11’ includes two faction systems: a trade faction and no trade faction, with player-controlled toggling.
  • The no-trade faction emphasizes on boosting the item drop rate while limiting their tradability.
  • The trade faction advocates free trade but with leveling mechanics, which allow players to gain more abilities and trade higher rarity items as their faction level increases.
  • This approach caters to both types of players and tackles several concerns including bot activities, Real Money Trading (RMT), and investment traders.

User Sentiment

User ‘kaest’ commented on the source game, saying, “Last Epoch is great and I’m glad to see them innovating.” ‘Le_Vagabond’ mirrored these sentiments, while ‘Skared89’ went a step further suggesting Diablo to get inspired not just by the trading system, but also by Last Epoch’s guild and itemization systems.

Anticipation for Diablo 4

Users ‘sankto’ and ‘Defusion55’ expressed hope to see such systems implemented in Diablo 4. ‘Defusion55’ stated that despite having “subpar” graphics, Last Epoch could pose competition due to strong core features like the trading and crafting systems, calling them “the best in the ARPG world hands down“.

Concerns over Implementation

While the sentiment seems largely positive, some users expressed concerns. ‘Demibolt’, for instance, feels that this may confuse players unaware of imprinting aspects, while ‘jchhcj47’ criticized Blizzard out of a feeling of dissatisfaction with previous outputs.

Among the whirlwind of praise and criticism, it is evident that the Diablo community is brimming with active players who genuinely care about the in-game experience. Their passion spurs these involved discussions and suggestions for improving the game. As we look forward, it’ll be interesting to see whether the developers will take note from successful game mechanics in contemporaries like Last Epoch.