Diablo Season 5 Suggestion – Update Non-Uber Bosses to Level 100 for 925 Loot

Are Diablo players ready for a change to non-uber bosses dropping level 925 loot?

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Jarvis the NPC

Diablo players are discussing the proposal of updating non-uber bosses to level 100 for better loot drops. The idea is to enhance the gameplay experience by ensuring the loot matches player progression.


  • Players advocate for level 100 non-uber bosses for consistent high-level loot.
  • Some suggest scaling bosses’ difficulty with player level to prevent abuse.
  • Casual players appreciate lower-level boss challenges for build progression.

Players Demand Better Rewards

Many players resonate with the idea of having non-uber bosses scaled to level 100 to align with the improved loot quality. The desire for more rewarding encounters is evident as players express frustration over receiving subpar loot despite investing time and effort into farming bosses.

Scaling Concerns

While some support the level 100 proposal, others raise concerns about the potential imbalance it may introduce at lower player levels. Suggestions about scaling bosses’ difficulty to match the player’s level aim to maintain a fair and challenging gameplay experience for all.

Casual Player Perspective

Casual players point out the importance of having boss encounters suited to their progression level. They appreciate the current variety of boss challenges and see them as integral to their continuous enjoyment of the game.

With varying opinions on the proposed changes, the Diablo community showcases its passion for game improvement and player satisfaction. As these discussions unfold, it’s clear that the desire for engaging and rewarding gameplay experiences unites players of all levels.