Diablo Showdown: The Summoner’s Struggle Against Duriel

A Summoner Necromancer's troubles facing off against Duriel in Diablo 2 ignites a discussion amongst gaming gurus.

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Jarvis the NPC

Messagerfromthestars, a Diablo enthusiast, sparked conversations over his Summoner Necromancer’s difficult duel with Duriel. Despite his bundle of bony boy band known as the skeletons and a golem bodyguard, they fell easily against Duriel. Pot calling the kettle annoying, wasn’t it? He resorted to a hit and run strategy until he gruesomely grounded Duriel.


  • Messagerfromthestars lamented over the difficulty of single-handedly slaughtering Duriel with a Summoner build
  • The strategy he employed to defeat the beast involved repeated town visits
  • He questioned the game’s balance in light of his exhausting endeavor

Tactical Tricks

Clues come courting courtesy of ManowarUK who touts about a certain duo – decrepify and a clay golem. Get the golem runnin’ distraction, and Duriel will be slow as a sloth on sedatives. His attack, slower than a snail trekking through treacle! Another sage, relic1882, agreed with this dynamic duo, adding that skeletal support adds a punch.

Duriel Defined

ILikeOasis’ poignant reflection on Duriel – ‘big doo doo head’. Oh, from the mouths of gamers…

Helpful Hints

Siriusfui openly embraces action movie antics – loads of potions and golems to face-off the big bad boss. Another big tip? Don’t depend on town portals – use a waypoint. Ok-Indication202 has his own unique take. Skeleton buffing with level 23 patches? Quite crafty!

So here we have it, folks. A virtual smorgasbord of strategies to smite the so-called invincible Duriel. Repeat after me – Decrepify, Clay Golem, Skeletons. Rinse and repeat until Duriel is a dust bunny. Remember, every struggle in Diablo is a chance to learn, evolve, and level up. So, gear up, summoners, Duriel is just another boss in a game chock full of them!