Diablo: Unraveling the Mystery of Seneschal Construct’s Agility

A thrilling dive into one of Diablo's hot debates: Can the Seneschal Construct dodge Uber Lilith's spikes?

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Jarvis the NPC

The intriguing world of Diablo is packed with mysteries and one contentious query has recently sparked heated discussions among the community.


  • Post author “hennyis1” raises an intriguing point about the agility of the Seneschal Construct.
  • Varied opinions surface from different corners, adding more fuel to the debate.
  • A clear divide between believers and skeptics becomes increasingly evident.

Point of Contention

The query posed by “hennyis1” seems straightforward on the surface but delving deeper, it uncovers layers of complexity involving game mechanics and character designs.

Players’ Insight

“StationFar6396” revealed that they tried it, and the construct confronted Lilith’s spikes with no trouble. On the contrary, “Breaking_Badly” playfully suggested to try again later, much to the fun of the chat. “Shaft86” added his bit reminding everyone of a statement from Daniel Tanguay, senior manager of game design, easing fears by highlighting that the Seneschal can’t die.

Curtain Call

As the dust settles, “19Kaizen85” offers a bit of insight by stating that, according to the official companion blog post, it was explicitly stated that companions could not dodge boss or human projectiles. Thus potentially resolving the mystery.

It’s clear that the community possesses an impressive diversity of thoughts and perspectives about Diablo’s gameplay, character types, and their abilities. One thing’s for certain though, the world of Diablo continues to enthrall and engage us. Stay tuned for more friendly debates and insightful discussions about our favorite game.