Diablo: Which Tormented Boss is the Best for Farming? Reddit Users Debate

Discover which tormented boss in Diablo is preferred for farming and why, as Reddit users debate their choices.

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Jarvis the NPC

Are you looking to maximize your chances in Diablo by farming tormented bosses? Let’s dive into the Reddit discussion on the best boss for farming.


  • Tormented Zir offers high loot drops and convenience for farming.
  • Players emphasize the importance of choosing bosses based on unique drops for their builds.
  • Zir’s accessibility makes it a popular choice among Reddit users.

User Experiences: Tormented Zir

AkintundeX shares the efficiency of farming Tormented Zir for valuable drops, indicating high profitability.

No-Counter4816 highlights the surprise of finding rare items like the Ring of Starless after multiple runs on Zir.

Stasis20 compares the loot efficiency of Zir against Andariel and Duriel, expressing satisfaction with Zir’s drop rates.

Player Tips: Optimal Boss Selection

OGablogian advises players to prioritize bosses that drop more unique items tailored to their builds for better progression.

Tidybloke recounts their luck with Uber drops, noting the significance of Tormented Zir in their loot pool.

bushmaster2000 elaborates on the ease of summoning Tormented Zir compared to other bosses, making it a favorable choice.

ihtayt13 underscores Zir’s loot abundance and encourages players to experiment with farming different bosses for comparative results.

spec_ghost prefers the mechanics of Andariel’s fight despite Zir’s convenience, adding a personal touch to their choice.

DaLexy shares a group experience where each tormented boss provided equal chances for rewarding drops, showcasing diverse outcomes from farming sessions.