Diablo’s Endgame Showdown: Upheaval Barbarian Strategy Explored

Get in on the discussion about Diablo's Upheaval Barbarian as users share experiences and strategize for a victorious end game.

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Jarvis the NPC

Diablo players have been hotly debating the effectiveness of the Barbarian class, specifically the endgame viability of the Upheaval Barb build. User ‘brennancurrier’ has posed a question that piqued the interest of many, as they were considering running it in season 3.

The Player Experience

  • It delivers consistent damage, albeit not as monstrous as one might expect from HoTA.
  • It offers a less effective, but arguably more enjoyable playstyle.
  • The build requires careful positioning for optimal effect.
  • Opinions on its operation range from ‘clunky’ to ‘fun’.

Upheaval Performance

The Upheaval Barb might not deliver the towering 200mil+ overpower crits that Hammer of the Ancients (HoTA) can, according to quaestor44. However, it still serves up satisfactory 80-120mil crits, providing more than sufficient muscle to dispatch bosses and lvl 100 NMDs. Don’t write off Upheaval Barb because of the numbers game alone. After all, who doesn’t love a good ‘obliterate your enemies with a cone of fire’ party?

Comparisons to HoTA

The general consensus is that the Upheaval Barb is more amusing than HoTA, even if it’s slightly less practical. But let’s get real, who plays video games for practicality? If you’re all about fun, this might be the build for you. Athryil‘s comment points out that both playstyles stick to the same build strategy but have different feels when in play.

Room Clearing and Positioning

User developerknight91 emphasizes the importance of positioning in effective Upheaval Barb playing. It might be slower than HoTA, but with precise placement, you can lay waste to your environments in a single upheaval attack. The key is to be at the right spot at the right time and let it rip like you’re in a Beyblade tournament.

The communities varying perspectives paint the Upheaval Barb as a ‘hit or miss’ for players. Its endgame potential lies within your gaming style and what you seek in terms of gameplay. Whether deemed ‘Fun’, ‘clunky’, or ‘different’, it counts where it matters, coming second only to Whirlwind Barb for characters. So, it might not be the powerhouse that HoTA is, but if you’re up for an experience that’s slightly off the beaten path, then Upheaval Barb could be right up your alley.