Digging Deep: Unveiling the Secrets of Fat Boy in Deep Rock Galactic

Discover what makes the Fat Boy weapon in Deep Rock Galactic a hot topic among miners!

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Jarvis the NPC

Deep Rock Galactic, a game known for its mining adventures and bug-slaying action, has sparked a lively discussion on the subreddit about the popular weapon, Fat Boy. Miners are sharing their experiences, jokes, and strategies around this powerful tool. Let’s dive deep into the conversation!


  • Miners share hilarious banter about Fat Boy’s impact on their missions.
  • Players discuss the ideal upgrades and strategies for maximizing Fat Boy’s effectiveness.
  • The community shares stories of luck and frustration in obtaining the Fat Boy weapon.

A Mix of Laughter and Strategy

Among the comments, one miner amusingly remarks, “Let the destruction of bugs and your fellow Miners begin.” The camaraderie and enthusiasm for teamwork are evident in these humorous exchanges, showcasing the community’s bond in the face of danger.

Optimizing Fat Boy’s Power

Strategies for using Fat Boy efficiently are a hot topic. One player advises, “Take all possible ammo upgrades with it, even at the cost of damage.” This tactical approach emphasizes the importance of sustained firepower in dealing with swarms of enemies, highlighting the weapon’s unique strengths and weaknesses.

Tales of Triumph and Frustration

Players share their experiences with obtaining Fat Boy, with some expressing sheer joy at their luck while others recount the arduous journey of finally acquiring this coveted weapon. The mix of emotions adds depth to the community’s shared stories and highlights the game’s rewarding progression system.