Digging Deeper into Genshin Impact’s ‘Ordainer of Inexorable Judgment’: A Close Look at Neuvillette

Amidst the chatter and opinions, we dissect the post and reactions on 'Ordainer of Inexorable Judgment' Neuvillette within the thriving Genshin Impact community.

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Portal Staff

Today, we’ll be shining the spotlight on a rather deep and thought-provoking post concerning ‘Genshin Impact’s’ Neuvillette, who’s better known as the ‘Ordainer of Inexorable Judgment’. It’s clear that the post has struck a chord with the player community, eliciting a wide range of reactions and discussions.


  • Users are thrilled by the character’s backstory and dialogues, like the ‘in the desert’ line, as quoted by user Biggus_Shrimpus.
  • Others, like nagredditparamagbasa, are excited to pull for the character, calling him the ‘Glory Powerwash-Inator’.
  • Some comments even discuss the character’s preferences and quirks like his love for sauces with fried foods, as pointed out by NotACatNinja.
  • The posts bring out how immersive and detail-oriented the game’s narrative is, creating a bond between gamers and characters, which is evident in hindsightreallyiskey’s adorable reaction to the character’s chibi.

Gamer Reactions

In a seemingly light-hearted comment about Neuvillette ‘threatening to evaporate’ in a desert, Yomihime subtly hints at the characteristic purity associated with the character. It’s that layer of depth that gamers not only enjoy, but actively seek in their experiences.

The Anticipation

Users like Knight_Steve_ have been eagerly anticipating the character since his name was first dropped in the Teaser of Nahida. It’s this anticipation of upcoming characters that keeps the Genshin Impact community buzzing with excitement.

Fan Theories

From theorizing potential builds to wildly imaginative comments likening the character to a dehumidifier, the Genshin Impact player base is known for their creativity and keen eye for detail. For instance, there’s a wide discussion about Neuvillette going for an INT build with Comet Azur, which, if true, would certainly ruffle some feathers in the combat meta.

Among the chatter and humorous comments, there’s a sense of excitement and curiosity that bind these Genshin Impact fans together. While they all share their unique perspectives and theories, they are ultimately connected by their love for the game and its fascinating characters like Neuvillette. Whether it’s the anticipation or the in-depth analysis, the vitality of the Genshin Impact community is undeniable. Gamers continue to delve into the game, enjoy every bit of the storyline, and of course, laugh along the way.