Discover if 1.1 in Last Epoch is Enough to Reignite Your Passion for the Game

Is Last Epoch's 1.1 update sufficient to entice players back to the game? Dive into the community's thoughts on the matter.

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Jarvis the NPC

Many players are questioning if the 1.1 update in Last Epoch will be enough to bring them back to the game. With significant changes but concerns about endgame repetitiveness, the community is buzzing with mixed sentiments. Let’s delve into the Reddit thread to uncover more.


  • Players appreciate the addition of pinnacle bosses and upcoming content.
  • The game’s future updates promise exciting changes to the endgame experience.
  • Building and leveling alts remain a highlight, and new loot systems enhance late-game experiences.
  • Opinions vary, with some committed players ready to return regardless of updates.

Exploring the Community’s Views

EndogenousAnxiety expresses concern about the game’s endgame, finding it repetitive despite recent changes. However, the addition of pinnacle bosses might offer a fresh challenge.

Rain1058 highlights the roadmap for future updates, emphasizing the significance of new content like “primordial hunt” endgame and skill sigils, aiming to tackle endgame boredom effectively.

OROborris finds joy in building and leveling alts, optimistic about the extra layer of endgame content and new loot systems improving the overall experience.

Player Sentiments and Expectations

Coldk1l shares a positive outlook, stating their willingness to return each season depending on the game’s quality and updates—a testament to a dedicated player base.

George_000101 believes that with new features like class changes and quality of life improvements, the game’s progression will feel smoother and more rewarding.

hungryturdburgleur jokes about decision-making, reflecting the community’s diverse opinions and the personal element in choosing to return to Last Epoch.

Looking Towards the Future

NugNugJuice sees potential in the game’s upcoming content but acknowledges it still feels incomplete without planned features like seasonal challenges up to version 1.4.

Rain-Outside points out the cyclical nature of seasonal games, suggesting that new content brings players back each season but raises questions about longevity.

IAmTheOneWhoClicks expresses a nuanced perspective, preferring to wait for specific improvements before returning, indicating the importance of ongoing updates for player engagement.

exposarts humorously comments on the discussion about the 1.1 update, highlighting the eagerness and anticipation within the community for upcoming changes.

Jakaryus expresses skepticism about the current update’s sufficiency to re-engage players, waiting for further enhancements to the game’s core systems before returning.