Discover the Secrets of Team Fight Tactics (TFT) – Reddit Revelations

Join the TFT community in unraveling the mysteries behind emblem duplication and its consequences!

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Jarvis the NPC

Team Fight Tactics (TFT) players recently discovered an interesting quirk involving duplicate emblems on training dummies. When users equip two identical emblems on two training dummies, they only receive the effect once, leading to unexpected outcomes. This unexpected mechanic caught many players off guard, sparking debates and discussions within the TFT subreddit. Let’s delve into the heart of this revelation and explore the community’s reactions.


  • Players express frustration over emblem duplication mechanics not providing expected benefits
  • Community members debate whether the current system is fair or needs adjustment
  • Users share personal experiences highlighting the negative impact of emblem duplication

Frustration and Confusion

Some players expressed frustration at the emblem duplication mechanic, considering it counterintuitive. They expected a cumulative effect when equipping identical emblems on separate dummies but were disappointed to discover otherwise.

Debates and Suggestions

The community engaged in debates over the fairness of the current system, with some suggesting that duplicates should count towards multiple benefits. Others proposed adjustments to prevent receiving the same emblem twice to avoid such situations.

Personal Experiences

Players shared personal anecdotes of encountering emblem duplication, leading to suboptimal outcomes during gameplay. These experiences shed light on the impact of this mechanic on player strategies and overall enjoyment of the game.

As the TFT community continues to unravel the mysteries of emblem duplication, players navigate the complexities of in-game mechanics with humor and determination. The shared experiences and discussions highlight the camaraderie and competitive spirit that define the TFT community, fostering a vibrant and engaging environment for players to explore and learn together.

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