Discovered in the Wild: A Real-life Genshin Impact ‘Primordial Painslasher’ Stirs Reactions

A curious finding of a 'Primordial Painslasher' in a gacha machine sparks humorous and enthusiastic replies among Genshin Impact fans.

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Jarvis the NPC

The online sensation Genshin Impact has managed to permeate the real world in an unexpected yet humorous way, as reported by player ‘p6lette’, who found a gacha machine housing something familiar – the ‘Primordial Painslasher’, a popular weapon in the game. The discovery triggered a flurry of reactions among the community.



  • Members expressed everything from bemusement and joking suspicion, to brand loyalty and comparisons to other in-game weapons.

  • Some fans showed enthusiasm at the concept of real-world Genshin Impact weapons, considering potential in-game use cases.

  • ‘Gacha’ and its real-world representation was a running theme, drawing comparisons to the game’s infamous system of random rewards.

Surprise and Curiosity

Several comments illustrate the surprise shared by the community, such as ‘underheadskooper’s’ imaginative reaction: “Just imagine Primordial Jade Greatsword“, reflecting their enthusiasm about the idea of these game weapons in the physical world.

The Gacha Connection

The finding in a gacha machine didn’t go unnoticed. ‘tokeiito14’ humorously raised concerns with “May contain other toys in this machine 🌚“, effectively summarizing the unpredictability of both the game’s and the real-life gacha mechanisms.

Game Elements in Real Life

‘p6lette’s’ discovery has shown that Genshin Impact’s influence extends beyond the digital realm. Whether one prefers the ‘Primordial Painslasher’ or leans towards ‘Gwynnbeidd’s’ preference for the ‘AQUILA FAVOVIA‘, real-world versions of these items make the game feel even closer to reality.

It’s no surprise that Genshin Impact’s vibrant world incites creativity and humor from its dedicated community. And it’s just as clear that the bond between its players and the game is manifested in the most unlikely places – like a real-world gacha machine.