Discovering Visual Parallels in Destiny 2 to Tower of Babel: What the Community Thinks

Exploring visual similarities in Destiny 2 to Tower of Babel and the community's reactions.

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Jarvis the NPC

Destiny 2 players uncover striking resemblances in the game to the Tower of Babel, sparking discussions and theories about the game’s design and lore. The monolith in Destiny 2 has some visual similarities to popular depictions of the Tower of Babel, leading players to draw connections between the two structures and their symbolic meanings. The community’s interpretations range from references to literature, mythology, and art, revealing a rich tapestry of influences woven into the game’s world-building and storytelling.


  • Players notice design similarities between Destiny 2’s monolith and the Tower of Babel, prompting discussions on symbolic meanings.
  • Community members draw connections to literary works like Stephen King’s The Dark Tower and classical myths such as The Hanging Gardens of Babylon.
  • Speculation arises regarding the thematic implications of the monolith’s design in relation to the game’s narrative and lore.

Unveiling Symbolism

The discussion surrounding the visual parallels between the monolith in Destiny 2 and the Tower of Babel highlights the depth of inspiration and symbolism woven into the game’s design. Players delve into the significance of these resemblances, considering how they might reflect themes of hubris, ambition, and the quest for transcendence.

Inspired Interpretations

One player likens the monolith to The Witness, drawing parallels to the tower’s role in challenging divine authority. This narrative trope of defying gods resonates with various mythological and literary motifs throughout human history.

Community Connections

References to works outside of Destiny 2, such as Stephen King’s The Dark Tower and Tolkien’s Mount Doom, showcase the diverse range of influences that players bring to their interpretation of the game’s visuals. These intertextual connections enrich the gaming experience and invite deeper exploration into the game’s thematic underpinnings.